

Acknowledging Wildbook for Whale Sharks in a publication

If use of the Wildbook for Whale Sharks library made a significant contribution to a research project, please make the following acknowledgement in any resulting publication:

This research has made use of data and software tools provided by Wildbook for Whale Sharks, an online mark-recapture database operated by the non-profit scientific organization Wild Me with support from public donations and the Qatar Whale Shark Research Project.


Scientific publications

The following reports and publications have either directly used data from Wildbook for Whale Sharks or contributed to its ultimate development and launch.

Araujo G, Ismail AR, McCann C, McCann D, Legaspi CG, Snow S, Labaja J, Manjaji-Matsumoto M, Ponzo A. (2020) Getting the most out of citizen science for endangered species such as Whale Shark. J Fish Biol. 2020 Jan 9. doi: 10.1111/jfb.14254.
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Araujo, G., Agustines, A., Tracey, B. et al. (2019) Photo-ID and telemetry highlight a global whale shark hotspot in Palawan, Philippines. Sci Rep 9, 17209 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53718-w
Web link

McCoy E, Burce R, David D, Aca EQ, Hardy J, Labaja J, Snow SJ, Ponzo A and Araujo G (2018) Long-Term Photo-Identification Reveals the Population Dynamics and Strong Site Fidelity of Adult Whale Sharks to the Coastal Waters of Donsol, Philippines. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:271. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00271
Web link

Araujo G, Rohner CA, Labaja J, Conales SJ, Snow SJ, Murray R, Pierce SJ, Ponzo A. (2018) Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks in the Sulu and Bohol Seas, Philippines. PeerJ 6:e5231
Web link

Diamant S. et al (2018) Movements and habitat use of satellite-tagged whale sharks off western Madagascar.
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Rohner CA, Richardson AJ, Jaine FRA, Bennett MB, Weeks SJ, Cliff G, Robinson DP, Reeve-Arnold KE, Pierce SJ. (2018) Satellite tagging highlights the importance of productive Mozambican coastal waters to the ecology and conservation of whale sharks.
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Bradley M. Norman, Jason A. Holmberg, Zaven Arzoumanian, Samantha D. Reynolds, Rory P. Wilson, Dani Rob, Simon J. Pierce, Adrian C. Gleiss, Rafael de la Parra, Beatriz Galvan, Deni Ramirez-Macias, David Robinson, Steve Fox, Rachel Graham, David Rowat, Matthew Potenski, Marie Levine, Jennifer A. Mckinney, Eric Hoffmayer, Alistair D. M. Dove, Robert Hueter, Alessandro Ponzo, Gonzalo Araujo, Elson Aca, David David, Richard Rees, Alan Duncan, Christoph A. Rohner, Clare E. M. Prebble, Alex Hearn, David Acuna, Michael L. Berumen, Abraham Vázquez, Jonathan Green, Steffen S. Bach, Jennifer V. Schmidt, Stephen J. Beatty, David L. Morgan; Undersea Constellations: The Global Biology of an Endangered Marine Megavertebrate Further Informed through Citizen Science, 2017/11/29, BioScience, bix127.
Web link

Thomson JA, Araujo G, Labaja J, McCoy E, Murray R, Ponzo A. Feeding the world's largest fish: highly variable whale shark residency patterns at a provisioning site in the Philippines. R. Soc. open sci. 2017 4 170394; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.170394. Published 27 September 2017
Web link

Robinson DP, Jaidah MY, Bach SS, Rohner CA, Jabado RW, Ormond R, et al. (2017) Some like it hot: Repeat migration and residency of whale sharks within an extreme natural environment. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185360.
Web link

Reynolds SD, Norman BM, Beger M, Franklin CE, Dwyer RG. Movement, distribution and marine reserve use by an endangered migratory giant. Divers Distrib. 2017;00:1–12.
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McKinney JA, Hoffmayer ER, Holmberg J, Graham RT, Driggers WB III, de la Parra-Venegas R, et al. (2017) Long-term assessment of whale shark population demography and connectivity using photo-identification in the Western Atlantic Ocean. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0180495.
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Macena BCL, Hazin FHV (2016) Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) Seasonal Occurrence, Abundance and Demographic Structure in the Mid-Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. PLoSONE 11(10):e0164440.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164440
Web link

Norman B. and Morgan D. (2016) The return of “Stumpy” the whale shark: two decades and counting. Front Ecol Environ 2016; 14(8):449–450, doi:10.1002/fee.1418
Web link

Araujo, G., Snow, S., So, C. L., Labaja, J., Murray, R., Colucci, A., and Ponzo, A. (2016) Population structure, residency patterns and movements of whale sharks in Southern Leyte, Philippines: results from dedicated photo-ID and citizen science. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst., doi: 10.1002/aqc.2636.
Web link

Norman B, Reynolds S and Morgan D. (2016) Does the whale shark aggregate along the Western Australian coastline beyond Ningaloo Reef? Pacific Conservation Biology 22(1) 72-80 Submitted. 1 April 2016
Web link

Araujo G, Lucey A, Labaja J, So CL, Snow S, Ponzo A. (2014) Population structure and residency patterns of whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, at a provisioning site in Cebu, Philippines. PeerJ 2:e543
Web link

Rohner CA, Pierce SJ, Marshall AD, Weeks SJ, Bennett MB, Richardson AJ (2013) Trends in sightings and environmental influences on a coastal aggregation of manta rays and whale sharks. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 482: 153–168, 2013.
Web link

McKinney J, Hoffmayer ER, Holmberg J, Graham R, de la Parra R et al. (2013) Regional connectivity of whale sharks demonstrated using photo-identification - Western Atlantic, 1999 - 2013. PeerJ PrePrints 1:e98v1
Web link

Bonner SJ & Holmberg, J (2013), Mark-Recapture with Multiple, Non-Invasive Marks. Biometrics. doi: 10.1111/biom.12045
Web link

Hueter RE, Tyminski JP, de la Parra R (2013) Horizontal Movements, Migration Patterns, and Population Structure of Whale Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Caribbean Sea. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71883. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071883
Web link

Fox S, Foisy I, De La Parra Venegas R, Galvan Pastoriza BE, Graham RT, Hoffmayer ER, Holmberg J, Pierce SJ. (2013) Population structure and residency of whale sharks Rhincodon typus at Utila, Bay Islands, Honduras. Journal of Fish Biology Volume 83, Issue 3, pages 574-587, September 2013
Web link

Robinson DP, Jaidah MY, Jabado RW, Lee-Brooks K, Nour El-Din NM, et al. (2013) Whale Sharks, Rhincodon typus, Aggregate around Offshore Platforms in Qatari Waters of the Arabian Gulf to Feed on Fish Spawn. PLoS ONE 8(3): e58255. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058255
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Davies, Tim K., Stevens, Guy, Meekan, Mark G., Struve, Juliane, and Rowcliffe, J. Marcus (2012) Can citizen science monitor whale-shark aggregations? Investigating bias in mark-recapture modelling using identification photographs sourced from the public. Wildlife Research 39, 696-704.
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Marshall AD & SJ Pierce (2012) The use and abuse of photographic identification in sharks and rays. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 1361-1379

Catlin J, Jones T, Norman B & Wood D. Consolidation in a wildlife tourism industry: the changing impact of whale shark tourist expenditure in the Ningaloo Coast region. International Journal of Tourism Research, Volume 12, Issue 2, pages 134-148, March/April 2010.

Catlin J, Jones R, Jones T, Norman B and Wood D (2010). Discovering Wildlife Tourism: A Whale Shark Tourism Case Study. Current Issues in Tourism, Volume 13, Issue 4.

Jones T, Wood D, Catlin J & Norman B (2009). Expenditure and ecotourism: predictors of expenditure for whale shark tour participants. Journal of Ecotourism Volume 8, Issue 1: 32-50.

Norman B (2009) ECOCEAN Best Practice Whale Shark Ecotourism UNEP MANUAL. Technical Report (United Nations Environment Program - Regional Seas) 7pp.
Web link.

Holmberg J & Norman B (2009) ECOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-identification - UNEP MANUAL. Technical Report (United Nations Environment Program - Regional Seas) 69pp.
Web link.

Holmberg J, Norman B & Arzoumanian Z (2009) Estimating population size, structure, and residency time for whale sharks Rhincodon typus through collaborative photo-identification. Endangered Species Research, (7) 39-53.
Web link.

Jones T, Wood D, Catlin J & Norman, B (2009) Expenditure and ecotourism: predictors of expenditure for whale shark tour participants. Journal of Ecotourism, (8) 32-50.
Web link

Gleiss AC, Norman B, Liebsch N, Francis C & Wilson RP (2009) A new prospect for tagging large free-swimming sharks with motion-sensitive data-loggers. Fisheries Research 97: 11-16.
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Holmberg J, Norman B & Arzoumanian Z (2008) Robust, comparable population metrics through collaborative photo-monitoring of whale sharks Rhincodon typus . Ecological Applications 18(1): 222-223.
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Norman B. & Holmberg J (2007) A Cooperative Approach for Generating Robust Population Metrics for Whale Sharks Rhincodon typus. In: Maldini D, Meck Maher D, Troppoli D, Studer M, and Goebel J, editors. Translating Scientific Results into Conservation Actions: New Roles, Challenges and Solutions for 21st Century Scientists. Boston : Earthwatch Institute; 2007.
Web link

Norman B & Stevens J (2007) Size and maturity status of the whale shark ( Rhincodon typus ) at Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia. Fisheries Research Vol. 84, Issue 1, 1-136. Whale Sharks: Science, Conservation and Management - Proceedings of the First International Whale Shark Conference, First International Whale Shark Conference Australia 09-12 May 2005. T. R. Irvine and J. K. Keesing (Eds).
Web link

Norman B & Catlin J (2007) Economic importance of conserving whale sharks. Unpublished Report for the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Sydney 18pp.

Arzoumanian Z, Holmberg J & Norman B (2005) An astronomical pattern-matching algorithm for computer-aided identification of whale sharks Rhincodon typus . Journal of Applied Ecology 42, 999-1011.
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Norman BM (2005) Whale shark critical habitats and movement patterns within Australian waters. Technical Report (DEH Natural Heritage Trust Project) 46pp.

Norman BM (2004) Review of the current conservation concerns for the whale shark ( Rhincodon typus ): A regional perspective. Technical Report (NHT Coast & Clean Seas Project No. 2127) 74pp.

Norman B (2002) CITES Identification Manual: Whale Shark ( Rhincodon typus Smith 1829). Commonwealth of Australia.
Web link

Norman BM, Newbound D & Knott B (2000) A new species of Pandaridae (Copepoda), from the whale shark Rhincodon typus (Smith) . Journal of Natural History 34:3, 355-366.
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Norman BM (2000) In: 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Xviii+61 pp. (Book & CD).

Norman BM (1999) Aspects of the biology and ecotourism industry of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in north-western Australia. MPhil. Thesis (Murdoch University, Western Australia).
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Gunn JS, Stevens JD, Davis TLO & Norman BM (1999) Observations on the short-term movements and behaviour of whale sharks ( Rhincodon typus ) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Mar. Biol . 135: 553-559.
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